Taken captive in a remote jungle with no escape from the tribe

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"How did we ever get this lost," Angela asked her husband Gene, "I'm really afraid?" After kissing his young wife on the cheek and giving her a hug, he replied, "Don't worry, everyone saw us leave camp, when we don't turn up by nightfall they'll send out a search party to find us, we might have to spend the night out here, but we're gonna be all right!"
Angel shivered at the thought of spending the night in the Amazon rainforest, but Gene was right, once the people back in camp figured out that they were missing it would only be a matter of time until they sent out a search party to find them! It was too wet to start a fire, so as the sunset over the river, they hunkered down in a hollow and waited for help that was never to arrive!
While her sleep was far from fitful, Angela still managed to get some rest, but it wasn't the early morning sun that roused her from her slumber, but instead, it was the unmistakable sound of people moving around! With her eyes still full of sleep, she excitedly grabbed Gene to waken him, but much to her horror, his body lay lifelessly on its side, and as her own eyes regained their focus, she found herself staring at eight, maybe ten native tribe’s men staring down at her!
Trying to make her brain work under such trying conditions was next to impossible, but when she finally came to grips with the fact that Gene was dead, probably killed in his sleep, she knew that the only way to stay alive was to stay calm and not panic, even though she was on the edge of a total breakdown! "Do you speak English," she asked in a wavering voice, not sure if that would be a good sign or not? She repeated her question when she got no response, and if they understood her they weren't letting on, but when one of them used his spear to motion her to get up, she didn't hesitate, and scrambled quickly to her feet!
It was at that moment she got her first good look at Gene, and as the tears welled up in her eyes, she could see that his throat had been cut from ear to ear! She wanted to reach down and touch him one last time, but the sharp point of a spear in her back prodded her to move off into the jungle with her captors!
As they made their way through the dense jungle floor, she had the chance to observe men as they traveled down the narrow path in single file, and while none of them were taller than five and a half feet, they were all well-muscled and, and hard as she tried not thinking about it, they were all incredibly well hung! When they finally reached their remote village, a crowd of young children scampered all around her, staring at her white skin and blonde hair, while pointing at her clothing and laughing!
Several older women appeared out of nowhere, and after having a short but terse conversation with one of the men, took Angela by the arm and led her to a mud hut at the far end of the village! Once inside, without so much as a word, both of them undressed her and had her lay down on a straw mat, whereupon they proceeded to massage her body with a sweet-smelling oil that had a slight tingling sensation on her skin!